Source: wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php:20
Source: wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php:20
Function: Legacy function used to generate a link categories checklist control.
Source: wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php:97
Function: Crop an Image to a given size.
Source: wp-admin/includes/image.php:25
Function: Generate post thumbnail attachment meta data.
Source: wp-admin/includes/image.php:74
Filter Hook: Filters the generated attachment meta data.
Source: wp-admin/includes/image.php:293
Function: Flushes rewrite rules if siteurl, home or page_on_front changed.
Source: wp-admin/includes/misc.php:559
Function: Displays the given administration message.
Source: wp-admin/includes/misc.php:603
Function: Print out option html elements for role selectors.
Source: wp-admin/includes/template.php:839
Filter Hook: Filters the number of custom fields to retrieve for the drop-down in the Custom Fields meta box.
Source: wp-admin/includes/template.php:623
Function: Create and modify WordPress roles for WordPress 2.1.
Source: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:725