wp_xmlrpc_server::mw_editPost( array $args )

Edit a post.



(Required) Method arguments. Note: arguments must be ordered as documented.

  • 'blog_id'
    (int) (unused)
  • 'username'
  • 'password'
  • 'content_struct'
  • 'publish'


(bool|IXR_Error) True on success.


File: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php

	public function mw_editPost( $args ) {
		$this->escape( $args );

		$post_ID        = (int) $args[0];
		$username       = $args[1];
		$password       = $args[2];
		$content_struct = $args[3];
		$publish        = isset( $args[4] ) ? $args[4] : 0;

		if ( ! $user = $this->login($username, $password) )
			return $this->error;

		/** This action is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php */
		do_action( 'xmlrpc_call', 'metaWeblog.editPost' );

		$postdata = get_post( $post_ID, ARRAY_A );

		 * If there is no post data for the give post id, stop now and return an error.
		 * Otherwise a new post will be created (which was the old behavior).
		if ( ! $postdata || empty( $postdata[ 'ID' ] ) )
			return new IXR_Error( 404, __( 'Invalid post ID.' ) );

		if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_ID ) )
			return new IXR_Error( 401, __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post.' ) );

		// Use wp.editPost to edit post types other than post and page.
		if ( ! in_array( $postdata[ 'post_type' ], array( 'post', 'page' ) ) )
			return new IXR_Error( 401, __( 'Invalid post type.' ) );

		// Thwart attempt to change the post type.
		if ( ! empty( $content_struct[ 'post_type' ] ) && ( $content_struct['post_type'] != $postdata[ 'post_type' ] ) )
			return new IXR_Error( 401, __( 'The post type may not be changed.' ) );

		// Check for a valid post format if one was given
		if ( isset( $content_struct['wp_post_format'] ) ) {
			$content_struct['wp_post_format'] = sanitize_key( $content_struct['wp_post_format'] );
			if ( !array_key_exists( $content_struct['wp_post_format'], get_post_format_strings() ) ) {
				return new IXR_Error( 404, __( 'Invalid post format.' ) );


		$ID             = $postdata['ID'];
		$post_content   = $postdata['post_content'];
		$post_title     = $postdata['post_title'];
		$post_excerpt   = $postdata['post_excerpt'];
		$post_password  = $postdata['post_password'];
		$post_parent    = $postdata['post_parent'];
		$post_type      = $postdata['post_type'];
		$menu_order     = $postdata['menu_order'];
		$ping_status    = $postdata['ping_status'];
		$comment_status = $postdata['comment_status'];

		// Let ClassicPress manage slug if none was provided.
		$post_name = $postdata['post_name'];
		if ( isset($content_struct['wp_slug']) )
			$post_name = $content_struct['wp_slug'];

		// Only use a password if one was given.
		if ( isset($content_struct['wp_password']) )
			$post_password = $content_struct['wp_password'];

		// Only set a post parent if one was given.
		if ( isset($content_struct['wp_page_parent_id']) )
			$post_parent = $content_struct['wp_page_parent_id'];

		// Only set the menu_order if it was given.
		if ( isset($content_struct['wp_page_order']) )
			$menu_order = $content_struct['wp_page_order'];

		$page_template = null;
		if ( ! empty( $content_struct['wp_page_template'] ) && 'page' == $post_type )
			$page_template = $content_struct['wp_page_template'];

		$post_author = $postdata['post_author'];

		// Only set the post_author if one is set.
		if ( isset( $content_struct['wp_author_id'] ) ) {
			// Check permissions if attempting to switch author to or from another user.
			if ( $user->ID != $content_struct['wp_author_id'] || $user->ID != $post_author ) {
				switch ( $post_type ) {
					case 'post':
						if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_others_posts' ) ) {
							return new IXR_Error( 401, __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to change the post author as this user.' ) );
					case 'page':
						if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_others_pages' ) ) {
							return new IXR_Error( 401, __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to change the page author as this user.' ) );
						return new IXR_Error( 401, __( 'Invalid post type.' ) );
				$post_author = $content_struct['wp_author_id'];

		if ( isset($content_struct['mt_allow_comments']) ) {
			if ( !is_numeric($content_struct['mt_allow_comments']) ) {
				switch ( $content_struct['mt_allow_comments'] ) {
					case 'closed':
						$comment_status = 'closed';
					case 'open':
						$comment_status = 'open';
						$comment_status = get_default_comment_status( $post_type );
			} else {
				switch ( (int) $content_struct['mt_allow_comments'] ) {
					case 0:
					case 2:
						$comment_status = 'closed';
					case 1:
						$comment_status = 'open';
						$comment_status = get_default_comment_status( $post_type );

		if ( isset($content_struct['mt_allow_pings']) ) {
			if ( !is_numeric($content_struct['mt_allow_pings']) ) {
				switch ( $content_struct['mt_allow_pings'] ) {
					case 'closed':
						$ping_status = 'closed';
					case 'open':
						$ping_status = 'open';
						$ping_status = get_default_comment_status( $post_type, 'pingback' );
			} else {
				switch ( (int) $content_struct["mt_allow_pings"] ) {
					case 0:
						$ping_status = 'closed';
					case 1:
						$ping_status = 'open';
						$ping_status = get_default_comment_status( $post_type, 'pingback' );

		if ( isset( $content_struct['title'] ) )
			$post_title =  $content_struct['title'];

		if ( isset( $content_struct['description'] ) )
			$post_content = $content_struct['description'];

		$post_category = array();
		if ( isset( $content_struct['categories'] ) ) {
			$catnames = $content_struct['categories'];
			if ( is_array($catnames) ) {
				foreach ($catnames as $cat) {
					$post_category[] = get_cat_ID($cat);

		if ( isset( $content_struct['mt_excerpt'] ) )
			$post_excerpt =  $content_struct['mt_excerpt'];

		$post_more = isset( $content_struct['mt_text_more'] ) ? $content_struct['mt_text_more'] : null;

		$post_status = $publish ? 'publish' : 'draft';
		if ( isset( $content_struct["{$post_type}_status"] ) ) {
			switch( $content_struct["{$post_type}_status"] ) {
				case 'draft':
				case 'pending':
				case 'private':
				case 'publish':
					$post_status = $content_struct["{$post_type}_status"];
					$post_status = $publish ? 'publish' : 'draft';

		$tags_input = isset( $content_struct['mt_keywords'] ) ? $content_struct['mt_keywords'] : null;

		if ( 'publish' == $post_status || 'private' == $post_status ) {
			if ( 'page' == $post_type && ! current_user_can( 'publish_pages' ) ) {
				return new IXR_Error( 401, __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this page.' ) );
			} elseif ( ! current_user_can( 'publish_posts' ) ) {
				return new IXR_Error( 401, __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this post.' ) );

		if ( $post_more )
			$post_content = $post_content . "<!--more-->" . $post_more;

		$to_ping = null;
		if ( isset( $content_struct['mt_tb_ping_urls'] ) ) {
			$to_ping = $content_struct['mt_tb_ping_urls'];
			if ( is_array($to_ping) )
				$to_ping = implode(' ', $to_ping);

		// Do some timestamp voodoo.
		if ( !empty( $content_struct['date_created_gmt'] ) )
			// We know this is supposed to be GMT, so we're going to slap that Z on there by force.
			$dateCreated = rtrim( $content_struct['date_created_gmt']->getIso(), 'Z' ) . 'Z';
		elseif ( !empty( $content_struct['dateCreated']) )
			$dateCreated = $content_struct['dateCreated']->getIso();

		// Default to not flagging the post date to be edited unless it's intentional.
		$edit_date = false;

		if ( !empty( $dateCreated ) ) {
			$post_date = get_date_from_gmt(iso8601_to_datetime($dateCreated));
			$post_date_gmt = iso8601_to_datetime($dateCreated, 'GMT');

			// Flag the post date to be edited.
			$edit_date = true;
		} else {
			$post_date     = $postdata['post_date'];
			$post_date_gmt = $postdata['post_date_gmt'];

		// We've got all the data -- post it.
		$newpost = compact('ID', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_category', 'post_status', 'post_excerpt', 'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'edit_date', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'to_ping', 'post_name', 'post_password', 'post_parent', 'menu_order', 'post_author', 'tags_input', 'page_template');

		$result = wp_update_post($newpost, true);
		if ( is_wp_error( $result ) )
			return new IXR_Error(500, $result->get_error_message());

		if ( !$result )
			return new IXR_Error(500, __('Sorry, your entry could not be edited.'));

		// Only posts can be sticky
		if ( $post_type == 'post' && isset( $content_struct['sticky'] ) ) {
			$data = $newpost;
			$data['sticky'] = $content_struct['sticky'];
			$data['post_type'] = 'post';
			$error = $this->_toggle_sticky( $data, true );
			if ( $error ) {
				return $error;

		if ( isset($content_struct['custom_fields']) )
			$this->set_custom_fields($post_ID, $content_struct['custom_fields']);

		if ( isset ( $content_struct['wp_post_thumbnail'] ) ) {

			// Empty value deletes, non-empty value adds/updates.
			if ( empty( $content_struct['wp_post_thumbnail'] ) ) {
				delete_post_thumbnail( $post_ID );
			} else {
				if ( set_post_thumbnail( $post_ID, $content_struct['wp_post_thumbnail'] ) === false )
					return new IXR_Error( 404, __( 'Invalid attachment ID.' ) );
			unset( $content_struct['wp_post_thumbnail'] );

		// Handle enclosures.
		$thisEnclosure = isset($content_struct['enclosure']) ? $content_struct['enclosure'] : null;
		$this->add_enclosure_if_new($post_ID, $thisEnclosure);

		$this->attach_uploads( $ID, $post_content );

		// Handle post formats if assigned, validation is handled earlier in this function.
		if ( isset( $content_struct['wp_post_format'] ) )
			set_post_format( $post_ID, $content_struct['wp_post_format'] );

		 * Fires after a post has been successfully updated via the XML-RPC MovableType API.
		 * @since WP-3.4.0
		 * @param int   $post_ID ID of the updated post.
		 * @param array $args    An array of arguments to update the post.
		do_action( 'xmlrpc_call_success_mw_editPost', $post_ID, $args );

		return true;


Version Description
WP-1.5.0 Introduced.