wp_media_insert_url_form( string $default_view = 'image' )

Creates the form for external url.




Default value: 'image'


(string) HTML content of the form.


File: wp-admin/includes/media.php

function wp_media_insert_url_form( $default_view = 'image' ) {
	/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/media.php */
	if ( ! apply_filters( 'disable_captions', '' ) ) {
		$caption = '
		<tr class="image-only">
			<th scope="row" class="label">
				<label for="caption"><span class="alignleft">' . __('Image Caption') . '</span></label>
			<td class="field"><textarea id="caption" name="caption"></textarea></td>
	} else {
		$caption = '';

	$default_align = get_option('image_default_align');
	if ( empty($default_align) )
		$default_align = 'none';

	if ( 'image' == $default_view ) {
		$view = 'image-only';
		$table_class = '';
	} else {
		$view = $table_class = 'not-image';

	return '
	<p class="media-types"><label><input type="radio" name="media_type" value="image" id="image-only"' . checked( 'image-only', $view, false ) . ' /> ' . __( 'Image' ) . '</label> &nbsp; &nbsp; <label><input type="radio" name="media_type" value="generic" id="not-image"' . checked( 'not-image', $view, false ) . ' /> ' . __( 'Audio, Video, or Other File' ) . '</label></p>
	<p class="media-types media-types-required-info">' . sprintf( __( 'Required fields are marked %s' ), '<span class="required">*</span>' ) . '</p>
	<table class="describe ' . $table_class . '"><tbody>
			<th scope="row" class="label" style="width:130px;">
				<label for="src"><span class="alignleft">' . __( 'URL' ) . '</span> <span class="required">*</span></label>
				<span class="alignright" id="status_img"></span>
			<td class="field"><input id="src" name="src" value="" type="text" required aria-required="true" onblur="addExtImage.getImageData()" /></td>

			<th scope="row" class="label">
				<label for="title"><span class="alignleft">' . __( 'Title' ) . '</span> <span class="required">*</span></label>
			<td class="field"><input id="title" name="title" value="" type="text" required aria-required="true" /></td>

		<tr class="not-image"><td></td><td><p class="help">' . __('Link text, e.g. &#8220;Ransom Demands (PDF)&#8221;') . '</p></td></tr>

		<tr class="image-only">
			<th scope="row" class="label">
				<label for="alt"><span class="alignleft">' . __('Alternative Text') . '</span></label>
			<td class="field"><input id="alt" name="alt" value="" type="text" aria-required="true" />
			<p class="help">' . __('Alt text for the image, e.g. &#8220;The Mona Lisa&#8221;') . '</p></td>
		' . $caption . '
		<tr class="align image-only">
			<th scope="row" class="label"><p><label for="align">' . __('Alignment') . '</label></p></th>
			<td class="field">
				<input name="align" id="align-none" value="none" onclick="addExtImage.align=\'align\'+this.value" type="radio"' . ($default_align == 'none' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />
				<label for="align-none" class="align image-align-none-label">' . __('None') . '</label>
				<input name="align" id="align-left" value="left" onclick="addExtImage.align=\'align\'+this.value" type="radio"' . ($default_align == 'left' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />
				<label for="align-left" class="align image-align-left-label">' . __('Left') . '</label>
				<input name="align" id="align-center" value="center" onclick="addExtImage.align=\'align\'+this.value" type="radio"' . ($default_align == 'center' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />
				<label for="align-center" class="align image-align-center-label">' . __('Center') . '</label>
				<input name="align" id="align-right" value="right" onclick="addExtImage.align=\'align\'+this.value" type="radio"' . ($default_align == 'right' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />
				<label for="align-right" class="align image-align-right-label">' . __('Right') . '</label>

		<tr class="image-only">
			<th scope="row" class="label">
				<label for="url"><span class="alignleft">' . __('Link Image To:') . '</span></label>
			<td class="field"><input id="url" name="url" value="" type="text" /><br />

			<button type="button" class="button" value="" onclick="document.forms[0].url.value=null">' . __('None') . '</button>
			<button type="button" class="button" value="" onclick="document.forms[0].url.value=document.forms[0].src.value">' . __('Link to image') . '</button>
			<p class="help">' . __('Enter a link URL or click above for presets.') . '</p></td>
		<tr class="image-only">
				<input type="button" class="button" id="go_button" style="color:#bbb;" onclick="addExtImage.insert()" value="' . esc_attr__('Insert into Post') . '" />
		<tr class="not-image">
				' . get_submit_button( __( 'Insert into Post' ), '', 'insertonlybutton', false ) . '



Version Description
2.7.0 Introduced.