Function: Adds media categories and media post tags to the array of attachment details.
Source: wp-admin/includes/media.php:4024
Function: Adds media categories and media post tags to the array of attachment details.
Source: wp-admin/includes/media.php:4024
Filter Hook: Filters the media categories included in the array of attachment details.
Source: wp-admin/includes/media.php:4049
Filter Hook: Filters the media tags included in the array of attachment details.
Source: wp-admin/includes/media.php:4075
Filter Hook: Filters the array of metadata retrieved from an audio file.
Source: wp-admin/includes/media.php:3693
Action Hook: Fires when media is attached or detached from a post.
Source: wp-admin/includes/media.php:3799
Function: Processes the post data for the bulk editing of attachments.
Source: wp-admin/includes/media.php:3835
Function: Outputs a select box to select upload media category.
Source: wp-admin/includes/media.php:3911
Function: Outputs three dropdown select boxes on the Media Library grid page to filter the items displayed: a mime type filter, a months-based filter, and a media category filter.
Source: wp-admin/includes/media.php:3959
Filter Hook: Filters the dropdown select boxes and buttons available on the Media Library grid page.
Source: wp-admin/includes/media.php:4014
Filter Hook: Filters the list of allowed file extensions when sideloading an image from a URL.
Source: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1051