wp_insert_link( array $linkdata, bool $wp_error = false )

Inserts a link into the database, or updates an existing link.


Runs all the necessary sanitizing, provides default values if arguments are missing, and finally saves the link.



(Required) Elements that make up the link to insert.<br>

  • 'link_id'
    (int) Optional. The ID of the existing link if updating.<br>
  • 'link_url'
    (string) The URL the link points to.<br>
  • 'link_name'
    (string) The title of the link.<br>
  • 'link_image'
    (string) Optional. A URL of an image.<br>
  • 'link_target'
    (string) Optional. The target element for the anchor tag.<br>
  • 'link_description'
    (string) Optional. A short description of the link.<br>
  • 'link_visible'
    (string) Optional. 'Y' means visible, anything else means not.<br>
  • 'link_owner'
    (int) Optional. A user ID.<br>
  • 'link_rating'
    (int) Optional. A rating for the link.<br>
  • 'link_rel'
    (string) Optional. A relationship of the link to you.<br>
  • 'link_notes'
    (string) Optional. An extended description of or notes on the link.<br>
  • 'link_rss'
    (string) Optional. A URL of an associated RSS feed.<br>
  • 'link_category'
    (int) Optional. The term ID of the link category.<br> If empty, uses default link category.<br>


(Optional) Whether to return a WP_Error object on failure.

Default value: false


(int|WP_Error) Value 0 or WP_Error on failure. The link ID on success.


File: wp-admin/includes/bookmark.php

function wp_insert_link( $linkdata, $wp_error = false ) {
	global $wpdb;

	$defaults = array( 'link_id' => 0, 'link_name' => '', 'link_url' => '', 'link_rating' => 0 );

	$args = wp_parse_args( $linkdata, $defaults );
	$r = wp_unslash( sanitize_bookmark( $args, 'db' ) );

	$link_id   = $r['link_id'];
	$link_name = $r['link_name'];
	$link_url  = $r['link_url'];

	$update = false;
	if ( ! empty( $link_id ) ) {
		$update = true;

	if ( trim( $link_name ) == '' ) {
		if ( trim( $link_url ) != '' ) {
			$link_name = $link_url;
		} else {
			return 0;

	if ( trim( $link_url ) == '' ) {
		return 0;

	$link_rating      = ( ! empty( $r['link_rating'] ) ) ? $r['link_rating'] : 0;
	$link_image       = ( ! empty( $r['link_image'] ) ) ? $r['link_image'] : '';
	$link_target      = ( ! empty( $r['link_target'] ) ) ? $r['link_target'] : '';
	$link_visible     = ( ! empty( $r['link_visible'] ) ) ? $r['link_visible'] : 'Y';
	$link_owner       = ( ! empty( $r['link_owner'] ) ) ? $r['link_owner'] : get_current_user_id();
	$link_notes       = ( ! empty( $r['link_notes'] ) ) ? $r['link_notes'] : '';
	$link_description = ( ! empty( $r['link_description'] ) ) ? $r['link_description'] : '';
	$link_rss         = ( ! empty( $r['link_rss'] ) ) ? $r['link_rss'] : '';
	$link_rel         = ( ! empty( $r['link_rel'] ) ) ? $r['link_rel'] : '';
	$link_category    = ( ! empty( $r['link_category'] ) ) ? $r['link_category'] : array();

	// Make sure we set a valid category.
	if ( ! is_array( $link_category ) || 0 == count( $link_category ) ) {
		$link_category = array( get_option( 'default_link_category' ) );

	if ( $update ) {
		if ( false === $wpdb->update( $wpdb->links, compact( 'link_url', 'link_name', 'link_image', 'link_target', 'link_description', 'link_visible', 'link_rating', 'link_rel', 'link_notes', 'link_rss' ), compact( 'link_id' ) ) ) {
			if ( $wp_error ) {
				return new WP_Error( 'db_update_error', __( 'Could not update link in the database' ), $wpdb->last_error );
			} else {
				return 0;
	} else {
		if ( false === $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->links, compact( 'link_url', 'link_name', 'link_image', 'link_target', 'link_description', 'link_visible', 'link_owner', 'link_rating', 'link_rel', 'link_notes', 'link_rss' ) ) ) {
			if ( $wp_error ) {
				return new WP_Error( 'db_insert_error', __( 'Could not insert link into the database' ), $wpdb->last_error );
			} else {
				return 0;
		$link_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;

	wp_set_link_cats( $link_id, $link_category );

	if ( $update ) {
		 * Fires after a link was updated in the database.
		 * @since WP-2.0.0
		 * @param int $link_id ID of the link that was updated.
		do_action( 'edit_link', $link_id );
	} else {
		 * Fires after a link was added to the database.
		 * @since WP-2.0.0
		 * @param int $link_id ID of the link that was added.
		do_action( 'add_link', $link_id );
	clean_bookmark_cache( $link_id );

	return $link_id;


Version Description
2.0.0 Introduced.