Class: Find the correct port depending on the Request type.
Source: wp-includes/Requests/src/Port.php:20
Class: Find the correct port depending on the Request type.
Source: wp-includes/Requests/src/Port.php:20
Class: Exception for an invalid argument passed.
Source: wp-includes/Requests/src/Exception/InvalidArgument.php:13
Class: Exception for when an incorrect number of arguments are passed to a method.
Source: wp-includes/Requests/src/Exception/ArgumentCount.php:20
Function: Formats text for the rich text editor.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:3567
Filter Hook: Filters text returned for the rich text editor.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:3586
Function: Will clean the page in the cache.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:3122
Function: Remove user meta data.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:2225
Function: Retrieve user metadata.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:2271
Function: Update metadata of user.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:2324
Function: Retrieve HTML content of attachment image with link.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:1866