wp_cache_delete( int|string $key, string $group = '' )
Removes the cache contents matching key and group.
See also
- $key
(Required) What the contents in the cache are called.
- $group
(Optional) Where the cache contents are grouped.
Default value: ''
(bool) True on successful removal, false on failure.
File: wp-includes/cache.php
function wp_cache_delete( $key, $group = '' ) {
global $wp_object_cache;
return $wp_object_cache->delete($key, $group);
Uses | Description |
wp-includes/cache.php: WP_Object_Cache::delete() |
Removes the contents of the cache key in the group. |
Used By
Used By | Description |
wp-includes/deprecated.php: delete_usermeta() |
Remove user meta data. |
wp-includes/deprecated.php: update_usermeta() |
Update metadata of user. |
wp-includes/general-template.php: delete_get_calendar_cache() |
Purge the cached results of get_calendar. |
wp-includes/pluggable.php: wp_set_password() |
Updates the user’s password with a new encrypted one. |
wp-includes/comment.php: clean_comment_cache() |
Removes a comment from the object cache. |
wp-includes/comment.php: wp_update_comment_count_now() |
Updates the comment count for the post. |
wp-includes/comment.php: _clear_modified_cache_on_transition_comment_status() |
Clear the lastcommentmodified cached value when a comment status is changed. |
wp-includes/comment.php: wp_insert_comment() |
Inserts a comment into the database. |
wp-includes/bookmark.php: clean_bookmark_cache() |
Deletes the bookmark cache. |
wp-includes/ms-blogs.php: clean_network_cache() |
Removes a network from the object cache. |
wp-includes/ms-blogs.php: get_blog_details() |
Retrieve the details for a blog from the blogs table and blog options. |
wp-includes/ms-blogs.php: clean_blog_cache() |
Clean the blog cache |
wp-includes/ms-blogs.php: clean_site_details_cache() |
Cleans the site details cache for a site. |
wp-includes/meta.php: update_metadata_by_mid() |
Update meta data by meta ID |
wp-includes/meta.php: delete_metadata_by_mid() |
Delete meta data by meta ID |
wp-includes/meta.php: add_metadata() |
Add metadata for the specified object. |
wp-includes/meta.php: update_metadata() |
Update metadata for the specified object. If no value already exists for the specified object ID and metadata key, the metadata will be added. |
wp-includes/meta.php: delete_metadata() |
Delete metadata for the specified object. |
wp-includes/user.php: clean_user_cache() |
Clean all user caches |
wp-includes/user.php: wp_insert_user() |
Insert a user into the database. |
wp-includes/user.php: wp_update_user() |
Update a user in the database. |
wp-includes/class-wp-theme.php: WP_Theme::cache_delete() |
Clears the cache for the theme. |
wp-includes/option.php: delete_network_option() |
Removes a network option by name. |
wp-includes/option.php: delete_site_transient() |
Delete a site transient. |
wp-includes/option.php: delete_option() |
Removes option by name. Prevents removal of protected ClassicPress options. |
wp-includes/option.php: delete_transient() |
Delete a transient. |
wp-includes/post.php: clean_post_cache() |
Will clean the post in the cache. |
wp-includes/post.php: clean_attachment_cache() |
Will clean the attachment in the cache. |
wp-includes/post.php: _transition_post_status() |
Hook for managing future post transitions to published. |
wp-includes/ms-functions.php: add_user_to_blog() |
Adds a user to a blog. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: clean_object_term_cache() |
Removes the taxonomy relationship to terms from the cache. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: clean_term_cache() |
Will remove all of the term ids from the cache. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: clean_taxonomy_cache() |
Clean the caches for a taxonomy. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: wp_set_object_terms() |
Create Term and Taxonomy Relationships. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: wp_remove_object_terms() |
Remove term(s) associated with a given object. |
wp-includes/revision.php: _wp_upgrade_revisions_of_post() |
Upgrade the revisions author, add the current post as a revision and set the revisions version to 1 |
wp-admin/includes/schema.php: populate_network() |
Populate network settings. |
wp-admin/includes/update-core.php: update_core() |
Upgrades the core of ClassicPress. |
wp-admin/includes/plugin.php: wp_clean_plugins_cache() |
Clears the Plugins cache used by get_plugins() and by default, the Plugin Update cache. |
Version | Description |
WP-2.0.0 | Introduced. |