WP_Network::get_by_path( string $domain = '', string $path = '', int|null $segments = null )
Retrieves the closest matching network for a domain and path.
This will not necessarily return an exact match for a domain and path. Instead, it breaks the domain and path into pieces that are then used to match the closest possibility from a query.
The intent of this method is to match a network during bootstrap for a requested site address.
- $domain
(Optional) Domain to check.
Default value: ''
- $path
(Optional) Path to check.
Default value: ''
- $segments
(Optional) Path segments to use. Defaults to null, or the full path.
Default value: null
(WP_Network|false) Network object if successful. False when no network is found.
File: wp-includes/class-wp-network.php
public static function get_by_path( $domain = '', $path = '', $segments = null ) {
$domains = array( $domain );
$pieces = explode( '.', $domain );
* It's possible one domain to search is 'com', but it might as well
* be 'localhost' or some other locally mapped domain.
while ( array_shift( $pieces ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $pieces ) ) {
$domains[] = implode( '.', $pieces );
* If we've gotten to this function during normal execution, there is
* more than one network installed. At this point, who knows how many
* we have. Attempt to optimize for the situation where networks are
* only domains, thus meaning paths never need to be considered.
* This is a very basic optimization; anything further could have
* drawbacks depending on the setup, so this is best done per-installation.
$using_paths = true;
if ( wp_using_ext_object_cache() ) {
$using_paths = wp_cache_get( 'networks_have_paths', 'site-options' );
if ( false === $using_paths ) {
$using_paths = get_networks( array(
'number' => 1,
'count' => true,
'path__not_in' => '/',
) );
wp_cache_add( 'networks_have_paths', $using_paths, 'site-options' );
$paths = array();
if ( $using_paths ) {
$path_segments = array_filter( explode( '/', trim( $path, '/' ) ) );
* Filters the number of path segments to consider when searching for a site.
* @since WP-3.9.0
* @param int|null $segments The number of path segments to consider. ClassicPress by default looks at
* one path segment. The function default of null only makes sense when you
* know the requested path should match a network.
* @param string $domain The requested domain.
* @param string $path The requested path, in full.
$segments = apply_filters( 'network_by_path_segments_count', $segments, $domain, $path );
if ( ( null !== $segments ) && count( $path_segments ) > $segments ) {
$path_segments = array_slice( $path_segments, 0, $segments );
while ( count( $path_segments ) ) {
$paths[] = '/' . implode( '/', $path_segments ) . '/';
array_pop( $path_segments );
$paths[] = '/';
* Determine a network by its domain and path.
* This allows one to short-circuit the default logic, perhaps by
* replacing it with a routine that is more optimal for your setup.
* Return null to avoid the short-circuit. Return false if no network
* can be found at the requested domain and path. Otherwise, return
* an object from wp_get_network().
* @since WP-3.9.0
* @param null|bool|object $network Network value to return by path.
* @param string $domain The requested domain.
* @param string $path The requested path, in full.
* @param int|null $segments The suggested number of paths to consult.
* Default null, meaning the entire path was to be consulted.
* @param array $paths The paths to search for, based on $path and $segments.
$pre = apply_filters( 'pre_get_network_by_path', null, $domain, $path, $segments, $paths );
if ( null !== $pre ) {
return $pre;
if ( ! $using_paths ) {
$networks = get_networks( array(
'number' => 1,
'orderby' => array(
'domain_length' => 'DESC',
'domain__in' => $domains,
) );
if ( ! empty( $networks ) ) {
return array_shift( $networks );
return false;
$networks = get_networks( array(
'orderby' => array(
'domain_length' => 'DESC',
'path_length' => 'DESC',
'domain__in' => $domains,
'path__in' => $paths,
) );
* Domains are sorted by length of domain, then by length of path.
* The domain must match for the path to be considered. Otherwise,
* a network with the path of / will suffice.
$found = false;
foreach ( $networks as $network ) {
if ( ( $network->domain === $domain ) || ( "www.{$network->domain}" === $domain ) ) {
if ( in_array( $network->path, $paths, true ) ) {
$found = true;
if ( $network->path === '/' ) {
$found = true;
if ( true === $found ) {
return $network;
return false;
Version | Description |
4.4.0 | Introduced. |