
This is the validator class.


It’s responsible for applying validations against a number of variables.


File: vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Validator.php

class Validator
     * The variables to validate.
     * @var string[]
    protected $variables;

     * The loader instance.
     * @var \Dotenv\Loader
    protected $loader;

     * Create a new validator instance.
     * @param string[]       $variables
     * @param \Dotenv\Loader $loader
     * @param bool           $required
     * @throws \Dotenv\Exception\ValidationException
     * @return void
    public function __construct(array $variables, Loader $loader, $required = true)
        $this->variables = $variables;
        $this->loader = $loader;

        if ($required) {
                function ($value) {
                    return $value !== null;
                'is missing'


     * Assert that each variable is not empty.
     * @throws \Dotenv\Exception\ValidationException
     * @return \Dotenv\Validator
    public function notEmpty()
        return $this->assertCallback(
            function ($value) {
                if ($value === null) {
                    return true;

                return strlen(trim($value)) > 0;
            'is empty'

     * Assert that each specified variable is an integer.
     * @throws \Dotenv\Exception\ValidationException
     * @return \Dotenv\Validator
    public function isInteger()
        return $this->assertCallback(
            function ($value) {
                if ($value === null) {
                    return true;

                return ctype_digit($value);
            'is not an integer'

     * Assert that each specified variable is a boolean.
     * @throws \Dotenv\Exception\ValidationException
     * @return \Dotenv\Validator
    public function isBoolean()
        return $this->assertCallback(
            function ($value) {
                if ($value === null) {
                    return true;

                if ($value === '') {
                    return false;

                return filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE) !== null;
            'is not a boolean'

     * Assert that each variable is amongst the given choices.
     * @param string[] $choices
     * @throws \Dotenv\Exception\ValidationException
     * @return \Dotenv\Validator
    public function allowedValues(array $choices)
        return $this->assertCallback(
            function ($value) use ($choices) {
                return in_array($value, $choices, true);
            sprintf('is not one of [%s]', implode(', ', $choices))

     * Assert that each variable matches the given regular expression.
     * @param string $regex
     * @throws \Dotenv\Exception\ValidationException
     * @return \Dotenv\Validator
    public function allowedRegexValues($regex)
        return $this->assertCallback(
            function ($value) use ($regex)
                if ($value === null) {
                    return true;

                return Regex::match($regex, $value)->success()->getOrElse(0) === 1;
            sprintf('does not match "%s"' , $regex)

     * Assert that the callback returns true for each variable.
     * @param callable $callback
     * @param string   $message
     * @throws \Dotenv\Exception\ValidationException
     * @return \Dotenv\Validator
    protected function assertCallback(callable $callback, $message = 'failed callback assertion')
        $failing = [];

        foreach ($this->variables as $variable) {
            if ($callback($this->loader->getEnvironmentVariable($variable)) === false) {
                $failing[] = sprintf('%s %s', $variable, $message);

        if (count($failing) > 0) {
            throw new ValidationException(sprintf(
                'One or more environment variables failed assertions: %s.',
                implode(', ', $failing)

        return $this;


  • __construct — Create a new validator instance.
  • allowedRegexValues — Assert that each variable matches the given regular expression.
  • allowedValues — Assert that each variable is amongst the given choices.
  • assertCallback — Assert that the callback returns true for each variable.
  • isBoolean — Assert that each specified variable is a boolean.
  • isInteger — Assert that each specified variable is an integer.
  • notEmpty — Assert that each variable is not empty.