Filter Hook: Filters the message body of the password reset mail.
Source: wp-includes/user.php:3223
Filter Hook: Filters the message body of the password reset mail.
Source: wp-includes/user.php:3223
Method: Whether the current sidebar is rendered on the page.
Source: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-sidebar-section.php:55
Class: Customizer section representing widget area (sidebar).
Source: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-sidebar-section.php:17
Method: Gather the parameters passed to client JavaScript via JSON.
Source: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-sidebar-section.php:42
Method: Render a JS template for the content of the color picker control.
Source: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-color-control.php:93
Method: Constructor.
Source: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-media-control.php:56
Method: Render a JS template for the content of the media control.
Source: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-media-control.php:138
Method: Enqueue control related scripts/styles.
Source: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-background-image-control.php:51
Function: Displays the archive title based on the queried object.
Source: wp-includes/general-template.php:1658
Function: Retrieves the archive title based on the queried object.
Source: wp-includes/general-template.php:1674