wp_set_comment_cookies( WP_Comment $comment, WP_User $user, bool $cookies_consent = true )

Sets the cookies used to store an unauthenticated commentator’s identity. Typically used to recall previous comments by this commentator that are still held in moderation.



(Required) Comment object.


(Required) Comment author's user object. The user may not exist.


(Optional) Comment author's consent to store cookies.

Default value: true


File: wp-includes/comment.php

function wp_set_comment_cookies( $comment, $user, $cookies_consent = true ) {
	// If the user already exists, or the user opted out of cookies, don't set cookies.
	if ( $user->exists() ) {

	if ( false === $cookies_consent ) {
		// Remove any existing cookies.
		$past = time() - YEAR_IN_SECONDS;
		setcookie( 'comment_author_' . COOKIEHASH, ' ', $past, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
		setcookie( 'comment_author_email_' . COOKIEHASH, ' ', $past, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
		setcookie( 'comment_author_url_' . COOKIEHASH, ' ', $past, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );


	 * Filters the lifetime of the comment cookie in seconds.
	 * @since WP-2.8.0
	 * @param int $seconds Comment cookie lifetime. Default 30000000.
	$comment_cookie_lifetime = time() + apply_filters( 'comment_cookie_lifetime', 30000000 );
	$secure = ( 'https' === parse_url( home_url(), PHP_URL_SCHEME ) );
	setcookie( 'comment_author_' . COOKIEHASH, $comment->comment_author, $comment_cookie_lifetime, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, $secure );
	setcookie( 'comment_author_email_' . COOKIEHASH, $comment->comment_author_email, $comment_cookie_lifetime, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, $secure );
	setcookie( 'comment_author_url_' . COOKIEHASH, esc_url( $comment->comment_author_url ), $comment_cookie_lifetime, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, $secure );


Version Description
4.9.6 The $cookies_consent parameter was added.
3.4.0 Introduced.