wp_salt( string $scheme = 'auth' )

Get salt to add to hashes.


Salts are created using secret keys. Secret keys are located in two places: in the database and in the wp-config.php file. The secret key in the database is randomly generated and will be appended to the secret keys in wp-config.php.

The secret keys in wp-config.php should be updated to strong, random keys to maximize security. Below is an example of how the secret key constants are defined. Do not paste this example directly into wp-config.php. Instead, have a secret key created just for you.

define('AUTH_KEY',         ' Xakm<o xQy rw4EMsLKM-?!T+,PFF})H4lzcW57AF0U@N@< >M%G4Yt>f`z]MON');
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY',  'LzJ}op]mr|6+![P}Ak:uNdJCJZd>(Hx.-Mh#Tz)pCIU#uGEnfFz|f ;;eU%/U^O~');
define('LOGGED_IN_KEY',    '|i|Ux`9<p-h$aFf(qnT:sDO:D1P^wZ$$/Ra@miTJi9G;ddp_<q}6H1)o|a +&JCM');
define('NONCE_KEY',        '%:R{[P|,s.KuMltH5}cI;/k<Gx~j!f0I)m_sIyu+&NJZ)-iO>z7X>QYR0Z_XnZ@|');
define('AUTH_SALT',        'eZyT)-Naw]F8CwA*VaW#q*|.)g@o}||wf~@C-YSt}(dh_r6EbI#A,y|nU2{B#JBW');
define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', '!=oLUTXh,QW=H `}`L|9/^4-3 STz},T(w}W<I`.JjPi)<Bmf1v,HpGe}T1:Xt7n');
define('LOGGED_IN_SALT',   '+XSqHc;@Q*K_b|Z?NC[3H!!EONbh.n<+=uKR:>*c(u`g~EJBf#8u#R{mUEZrozmm');
define('NONCE_SALT',       'h`GXHhD>SLWVfg1(1(N{;.V!MoE(SfbA_ksP@&`+AycHcAV$+?@3q+rxV{%^VyKT');

Salting passwords helps against tools which has stored hashed values of common dictionary strings. The added values makes it harder to crack.



(Optional) Authentication scheme (auth, secure_auth, logged_in, nonce)

Default value: 'auth'


(string) Salt value


File: wp-includes/pluggable.php

function wp_salt( $scheme = 'auth' ) {
	static $cached_salts = array();
	if ( isset( $cached_salts[ $scheme ] ) ) {
		 * Filters the ClassicPress salt.
		 * @since WP-2.5.0
		 * @param string $cached_salt Cached salt for the given scheme.
		 * @param string $scheme      Authentication scheme. Values include 'auth',
		 *                            'secure_auth', 'logged_in', and 'nonce'.
		return apply_filters( 'salt', $cached_salts[ $scheme ], $scheme );

	static $duplicated_keys;
	if ( null === $duplicated_keys ) {
		$duplicated_keys = array( 'put your unique phrase here' => true );
		foreach ( array( 'AUTH', 'SECURE_AUTH', 'LOGGED_IN', 'NONCE', 'SECRET' ) as $first ) {
			foreach ( array( 'KEY', 'SALT' ) as $second ) {
				if ( ! defined( "{$first}_{$second}" ) ) {
				$value = constant( "{$first}_{$second}" );
				$duplicated_keys[ $value ] = isset( $duplicated_keys[ $value ] );

	$values = array(
		'key' => '',
		'salt' => ''
	if ( defined( 'SECRET_KEY' ) && SECRET_KEY && empty( $duplicated_keys[ SECRET_KEY ] ) ) {
		$values['key'] = SECRET_KEY;
	if ( 'auth' == $scheme && defined( 'SECRET_SALT' ) && SECRET_SALT && empty( $duplicated_keys[ SECRET_SALT ] ) ) {
		$values['salt'] = SECRET_SALT;

	if ( in_array( $scheme, array( 'auth', 'secure_auth', 'logged_in', 'nonce' ) ) ) {
		foreach ( array( 'key', 'salt' ) as $type ) {
			$const = strtoupper( "{$scheme}_{$type}" );
			if ( defined( $const ) && constant( $const ) && empty( $duplicated_keys[ constant( $const ) ] ) ) {
				$values[ $type ] = constant( $const );
			} elseif ( ! $values[ $type ] ) {
				$values[ $type ] = get_site_option( "{$scheme}_{$type}" );
				if ( ! $values[ $type ] ) {
					$values[ $type ] = wp_generate_password( 64, true, true );
					update_site_option( "{$scheme}_{$type}", $values[ $type ] );
	} else {
		if ( ! $values['key'] ) {
			$values['key'] = get_site_option( 'secret_key' );
			if ( ! $values['key'] ) {
				$values['key'] = wp_generate_password( 64, true, true );
				update_site_option( 'secret_key', $values['key'] );
		$values['salt'] = hash_hmac( 'md5', $scheme, $values['key'] );

	$cached_salts[ $scheme ] = $values['key'] . $values['salt'];

	/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/pluggable.php */
	return apply_filters( 'salt', $cached_salts[ $scheme ], $scheme );


Version Description
WP-2.5.0 Introduced.