wp_image_add_srcset_and_sizes( string $image, array $image_meta, int $attachment_id )

Adds ‘srcset’ and ‘sizes’ attributes to an existing ‘img’ element.


See also



(string) (Required) An HTML 'img' element to be filtered.


(array) (Required) The image meta data as returned by 'wp_get_attachment_metadata()'.


(int) (Required) Image attachment ID.


(string) Converted 'img' element with 'srcset' and 'sizes' attributes added.


File: wp-includes/media.php

function wp_image_add_srcset_and_sizes( $image, $image_meta, $attachment_id ) {
	// Ensure the image meta exists.
	if ( empty( $image_meta['sizes'] ) ) {
		return $image;

	$image_src = preg_match( '/src="([^"]+)"/', $image, $match_src ) ? $match_src[1] : '';
	list( $image_src ) = explode( '?', $image_src );

	// Return early if we couldn't get the image source.
	if ( ! $image_src ) {
		return $image;

	// Bail early if an image has been inserted and later edited.
	if ( preg_match( '/-e[0-9]{13}/', $image_meta['file'], $img_edit_hash ) &&
		strpos( wp_basename( $image_src ), $img_edit_hash[0] ) === false ) {

		return $image;

	$width  = preg_match( '/ width="([0-9]+)"/',  $image, $match_width  ) ? (int) $match_width[1]  : 0;
	$height = preg_match( '/ height="([0-9]+)"/', $image, $match_height ) ? (int) $match_height[1] : 0;

	if ( ! $width || ! $height ) {
		 * If attempts to parse the size value failed, attempt to use the image meta data to match
		 * the image file name from 'src' against the available sizes for an attachment.
		$image_filename = wp_basename( $image_src );

		if ( $image_filename === wp_basename( $image_meta['file'] ) ) {
			$width = (int) $image_meta['width'];
			$height = (int) $image_meta['height'];
		} else {
			foreach( $image_meta['sizes'] as $image_size_data ) {
				if ( $image_filename === $image_size_data['file'] ) {
					$width = (int) $image_size_data['width'];
					$height = (int) $image_size_data['height'];

	if ( ! $width || ! $height ) {
		return $image;

	$size_array = array( $width, $height );
	$srcset = wp_calculate_image_srcset( $size_array, $image_src, $image_meta, $attachment_id );

	if ( $srcset ) {
		// Check if there is already a 'sizes' attribute.
		$sizes = strpos( $image, ' sizes=' );

		if ( ! $sizes ) {
			$sizes = wp_calculate_image_sizes( $size_array, $image_src, $image_meta, $attachment_id );

	if ( $srcset && $sizes ) {
		// Format the 'srcset' and 'sizes' string and escape attributes.
		$attr = sprintf( ' srcset="%s"', esc_attr( $srcset ) );

		if ( is_string( $sizes ) ) {
			$attr .= sprintf( ' sizes="%s"', esc_attr( $sizes ) );

		// Add 'srcset' and 'sizes' attributes to the image markup.
		$image = preg_replace( '/<img ([^>]+?)[\/ ]*>/', '<img $1' . $attr . ' />', $image );

	return $image;


Version Description
WP-4.4.0 Introduced.