wp_admin_bar_site_menu( WP_Admin_Bar $wp_admin_bar )
Adds the “Site Name” menu.
- $wp_admin_bar
(Required) The WP_Admin_Bar instance.
File: wp-includes/admin-bar.php
function wp_admin_bar_site_menu( $wp_admin_bar ) {
// Don't show for logged out users.
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() )
// Show only when the user is a member of this site, or they're a super admin.
if ( ! is_user_member_of_blog() && ! current_user_can( 'manage_network' ) ) {
$blogname = get_bloginfo('name');
if ( ! $blogname ) {
$blogname = preg_replace( '#^(https?://)?(www.)?#', '', get_home_url() );
if ( is_network_admin() ) {
/* translators: %s: site name */
$blogname = sprintf( __( 'Network Admin: %s' ), esc_html( get_network()->site_name ) );
} elseif ( is_user_admin() ) {
/* translators: %s: site name */
$blogname = sprintf( __( 'User Dashboard: %s' ), esc_html( get_network()->site_name ) );
$title = wp_html_excerpt( $blogname, 40, '…' );
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'site-name',
'title' => $title,
'href' => ( is_admin() || ! current_user_can( 'read' ) ) ? home_url( '/' ) : admin_url(),
) );
// Create submenu items.
if ( is_admin() ) {
// Add an option to visit the site.
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'parent' => 'site-name',
'id' => 'view-site',
'title' => __( 'Visit Site' ),
'href' => home_url( '/' ),
) );
if ( is_blog_admin() && is_multisite() && current_user_can( 'manage_sites' ) ) {
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'parent' => 'site-name',
'id' => 'edit-site',
'title' => __( 'Edit Site' ),
'href' => network_admin_url( 'site-info.php?id=' . get_current_blog_id() ),
) );
} else if ( current_user_can( 'read' ) ) {
// We're on the front end, link to the Dashboard.
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'parent' => 'site-name',
'id' => 'dashboard',
'title' => __( 'Dashboard' ),
'href' => admin_url(),
) );
// Add the appearance submenu items.
wp_admin_bar_appearance_menu( $wp_admin_bar );
Version | Description |
3.3.0 | Introduced. |