This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.

startElement( resource $parser, string $tag_name, array $attrs )

XML callback function for the start of a new XML tag.



(Required) XML Parser resource.


(Required) XML element name.


(Required) XML element attributes.


File: wp-admin/link-parse-opml.php

function startElement($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
	global $names, $urls, $targets, $descriptions, $feeds;

	if ( 'OUTLINE' === $tagName ) {
		$name = '';
		if ( isset( $attrs['TEXT'] ) ) {
			$name = $attrs['TEXT'];
		if ( isset( $attrs['TITLE'] ) ) {
			$name = $attrs['TITLE'];
		$url = '';
		if ( isset( $attrs['URL'] ) ) {
			$url = $attrs['URL'];
		if ( isset( $attrs['HTMLURL'] ) ) {
			$url = $attrs['HTMLURL'];

		// Save the data away.
		$names[] = $name;
		$urls[] = $url;
		$targets[] = isset( $attrs['TARGET'] ) ? $attrs['TARGET'] :  '';
		$feeds[] = isset( $attrs['XMLURL'] ) ? $attrs['XMLURL'] :  '';
		$descriptions[] = isset( $attrs['DESCRIPTION'] ) ? $attrs['DESCRIPTION'] :  '';
	} // End if outline.


Version Description
0.71 Introduced.