rest_filter_response_by_context( array|object $response_data, array $schema, string $context )

Filters the response to remove any fields not available in the given context.



(Required) The response data to modify.


(Required) The schema for the endpoint used to filter the response.


(Required) The requested context.


(array|object) The filtered response data.


File: wp-includes/rest-api.php

function rest_filter_response_by_context( $response_data, $schema, $context ) {
	if ( isset( $schema['anyOf'] ) ) {
		$matching_schema = rest_find_any_matching_schema( $response_data, $schema, '' );
		if ( ! is_wp_error( $matching_schema ) ) {
			if ( ! isset( $schema['type'] ) ) {
				$schema['type'] = $matching_schema['type'];

			$response_data = rest_filter_response_by_context( $response_data, $matching_schema, $context );

	if ( isset( $schema['oneOf'] ) ) {
		$matching_schema = rest_find_one_matching_schema( $response_data, $schema, '', true );
		if ( ! is_wp_error( $matching_schema ) ) {
			if ( ! isset( $schema['type'] ) ) {
				$schema['type'] = $matching_schema['type'];

			$response_data = rest_filter_response_by_context( $response_data, $matching_schema, $context );

	if ( ! is_array( $response_data ) && ! is_object( $response_data ) ) {
		return $response_data;

	if ( isset( $schema['type'] ) ) {
		$type = $schema['type'];
	} elseif ( isset( $schema['properties'] ) ) {
		$type = 'object'; // Back compat if a developer accidentally omitted the type.
	} else {
		return $response_data;

	$is_array_type  = 'array' === $type || ( is_array( $type ) && in_array( 'array', $type, true ) );
	$is_object_type = 'object' === $type || ( is_array( $type ) && in_array( 'object', $type, true ) );

	if ( $is_array_type && $is_object_type ) {
		if ( rest_is_array( $response_data ) ) {
			$is_object_type = false;
		} else {
			$is_array_type = false;

	$has_additional_properties = $is_object_type && isset( $schema['additionalProperties'] ) && is_array( $schema['additionalProperties'] );

	foreach ( $response_data as $key => $value ) {
		$check = array();

		if ( $is_array_type ) {
			$check = isset( $schema['items'] ) ? $schema['items'] : array();
		} elseif ( $is_object_type ) {
			if ( isset( $schema['properties'][ $key ] ) ) {
				$check = $schema['properties'][ $key ];
			} else {
				$pattern_property_schema = rest_find_matching_pattern_property_schema( $key, $schema );
				if ( null !== $pattern_property_schema ) {
					$check = $pattern_property_schema;
				} elseif ( $has_additional_properties ) {
					$check = $schema['additionalProperties'];

		if ( ! isset( $check['context'] ) ) {

		if ( ! in_array( $context, $check['context'], true ) ) {
			if ( $is_array_type ) {
				// All array items share schema, so there's no need to check each one.
				$response_data = array();

			if ( is_object( $response_data ) ) {
				unset( $response_data->$key );
			} else {
				unset( $response_data[ $key ] );
		} elseif ( is_array( $value ) || is_object( $value ) ) {
			$new_value = rest_filter_response_by_context( $value, $check, $context );

			if ( is_object( $response_data ) ) {
				$response_data->$key = $new_value;
			} else {
				$response_data[ $key ] = $new_value;

	return $response_data;


Version Description
5.6.0 Support the "patternProperties" keyword for objects.<br> Support the "anyOf" and "oneOf" keywords.
5.5.0 Introduced.