Saves a draft or manually autosaves for the purpose of showing a post preview.
(string) URL to redirect to show the preview.
File: wp-admin/includes/post.php
function post_preview() {
$post_ID = (int) $_POST['post_ID'];
$_POST['ID'] = $post_ID;
if ( ! $post = get_post( $post_ID ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post.' ) );
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post->ID ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post.' ) );
$is_autosave = false;
if ( ! wp_check_post_lock( $post->ID ) && get_current_user_id() == $post->post_author && ( 'draft' == $post->post_status || 'auto-draft' == $post->post_status ) ) {
$saved_post_id = edit_post();
} else {
$is_autosave = true;
if ( isset( $_POST['post_status'] ) && 'auto-draft' == $_POST['post_status'] )
$_POST['post_status'] = 'draft';
$saved_post_id = wp_create_post_autosave( $post->ID );
if ( is_wp_error( $saved_post_id ) )
wp_die( $saved_post_id->get_error_message() );
$query_args = array();
if ( $is_autosave && $saved_post_id ) {
$query_args['preview_id'] = $post->ID;
$query_args['preview_nonce'] = wp_create_nonce( 'post_preview_' . $post->ID );
if ( isset( $_POST['post_format'] ) ) {
$query_args['post_format'] = empty( $_POST['post_format'] ) ? 'standard' : sanitize_key( $_POST['post_format'] );
if ( isset( $_POST['_thumbnail_id'] ) ) {
$query_args['_thumbnail_id'] = ( intval( $_POST['_thumbnail_id'] ) <= 0 ) ? '-1' : intval( $_POST['_thumbnail_id'] );
return get_preview_post_link( $post, $query_args );
Version | Description |
2.7.0 | Introduced. |