is_object_in_term( int $object_id, string $taxonomy, int|string|array $terms = null )
Determine if the given object is associated with any of the given terms.
The given terms are checked against the object’s terms’ term_ids, names and slugs. Terms given as integers will only be checked against the object’s terms’ term_ids. If no terms are given, determines if object is associated with any terms in the given taxonomy.
- $object_id
(Required) ID of the object (post ID, link ID, ...).
- $taxonomy
(Required) Single taxonomy name.
- $terms
(Optional) Term term_id, name, slug or array of said.
Default value: null
File: wp-includes/taxonomy.php
function is_object_in_term( $object_id, $taxonomy, $terms = null ) {
if ( !$object_id = (int) $object_id )
return new WP_Error( 'invalid_object', __( 'Invalid object ID.' ) );
$object_terms = get_object_term_cache( $object_id, $taxonomy );
if ( false === $object_terms ) {
$object_terms = wp_get_object_terms( $object_id, $taxonomy, array( 'update_term_meta_cache' => false ) );
if ( is_wp_error( $object_terms ) ) {
return $object_terms;
wp_cache_set( $object_id, wp_list_pluck( $object_terms, 'term_id' ), "{$taxonomy}_relationships" );
if ( is_wp_error( $object_terms ) )
return $object_terms;
if ( empty( $object_terms ) )
return false;
if ( empty( $terms ) )
return ( !empty( $object_terms ) );
$terms = (array) $terms;
if ( $ints = array_filter( $terms, 'is_int' ) )
$strs = array_diff( $terms, $ints );
$strs =& $terms;
foreach ( $object_terms as $object_term ) {
// If term is an int, check against term_ids only.
if ( $ints && in_array( $object_term->term_id, $ints ) ) {
return true;
if ( $strs ) {
// Only check numeric strings against term_id, to avoid false matches due to type juggling.
$numeric_strs = array_map( 'intval', array_filter( $strs, 'is_numeric' ) );
if ( in_array( $object_term->term_id, $numeric_strs, true ) ) {
return true;
if ( in_array( $object_term->name, $strs ) ) return true;
if ( in_array( $object_term->slug, $strs ) ) return true;
return false;
Version | Description |
WP-2.7.0 | Introduced. |