get_shortcode_regex( array $tagnames = null )
Retrieves the shortcode regular expression for searching.
The regular expression combines the shortcode tags in the regular expression in a regex class.
The regular expression contains 6 different sub matches to help with parsing.
1 – An extra [ to allow for escaping shortcodes with double [[]] 2 – The shortcode name 3 – The shortcode argument list 4 – The self closing / 5 – The content of a shortcode when it wraps some content.
6 – An extra ] to allow for escaping shortcodes with double [[]]
- $tagnames
(Optional) List of shortcodes to find. Defaults to all registered shortcodes.
Default value: null
(string) The shortcode search regular expression
File: wp-includes/shortcodes.php
function get_shortcode_regex( $tagnames = null ) {
global $shortcode_tags;
if ( empty( $tagnames ) ) {
$tagnames = array_keys( $shortcode_tags );
$tagregexp = join( '|', array_map('preg_quote', $tagnames) );
// WARNING! Do not change this regex without changing do_shortcode_tag() and strip_shortcode_tag()
// Also, see shortcode_unautop() and shortcode.js.
'\\[' // Opening bracket
. '(\\[?)' // 1: Optional second opening bracket for escaping shortcodes: [[tag]]
. "($tagregexp)" // 2: Shortcode name
. '(?![\\w-])' // Not followed by word character or hyphen
. '(' // 3: Unroll the loop: Inside the opening shortcode tag
. '[^\\]\\/]*' // Not a closing bracket or forward slash
. '(?:'
. '\\/(?!\\])' // A forward slash not followed by a closing bracket
. '[^\\]\\/]*' // Not a closing bracket or forward slash
. ')*?'
. ')'
. '(?:'
. '(\\/)' // 4: Self closing tag ...
. '\\]' // ... and closing bracket
. '|'
. '\\]' // Closing bracket
. '(?:'
. '(' // 5: Unroll the loop: Optionally, anything between the opening and closing shortcode tags
. '[^\\[]*+' // Not an opening bracket
. '(?:'
. '\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])' // An opening bracket not followed by the closing shortcode tag
. '[^\\[]*+' // Not an opening bracket
. ')*+'
. ')'
. '\\[\\/\\2\\]' // Closing shortcode tag
. ')?'
. ')'
. '(\\]?)'; // 6: Optional second closing brocket for escaping shortcodes: [[tag]]
Version | Description |
4.4.0 | Added the $tagnames parameter. |
2.5.0 | Introduced. |