display_setup_form( string|null $error = null )
Displays installer setup form.
- $error
Default value: null
File: wp-admin/install.php
function display_setup_form( $error = null ) {
// Check for users table.
global $wpdb;
$sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SHOW TABLES LIKE %s", $wpdb->esc_like( $wpdb->users ) );
$user_table = ( $wpdb->get_var( $sql ) != null );
// Ensure that sites appear in search engines by default.
$blog_public = 1;
// Get and parse submitted data.
if ( isset( $_POST['weblog_title'] ) ) {
$blog_public = isset( $_POST['blog_public'] ) ? 1 : 0;
$weblog_title = isset( $_POST['weblog_title'] ) ? trim( wp_unslash( $_POST['weblog_title'] ) ) : '';
$user_name = isset($_POST['user_name']) ? trim( wp_unslash( $_POST['user_name'] ) ) : '';
$admin_email = isset( $_POST['admin_email'] ) ? trim( wp_unslash( $_POST['admin_email'] ) ) : '';
// Print input error, if any.
if ( ! is_null( $error ) ) {
echo '<h1>' . __( 'Admin Setup' ) . '</h1>' . "\n";
echo '<p class="message">' . $error . '</p>' . "\n";
// Form for site title and admin user setup.
echo '<form id="setup" method="post" action="install.php?step=2" novalidate="novalidate">' . "\n";
echo '<table class="form-table">' . "\n";
// Site title.
echo ' <tr>' . "\n";
echo ' <th scope="row"><label for="weblog_title">' . __( 'Site Title' ) . '</label></th>' . "\n";
echo ' <td><input name="weblog_title" type="text" id="weblog_title" size="25" value="' . esc_attr( $weblog_title ) . '" /></td>' . "\n";
echo ' </tr>' . "\n";
// Admin username.
echo ' <tr>' . "\n";
echo ' <th scope="row"><label for="user_login">' . __( 'Admin Username' ) . '</label></th>' . "\n";
echo ' <td>';
// Desired user already exists?
if ( $user_table ) {
_e( 'User(s) already exists.' );
echo '<input name="user_name" type="hidden" value="admin" />';
} else { // ...no?
echo '<input name="user_name" type="text" id="user_login" size="25" value="' . esc_attr( sanitize_user( $user_name, true ) ) . '" />';
echo '<p class="description" style="max-width:300px;">' . __( 'Letters, numbers, spaces, underscores, hyphens, periods, and the @ symbol only. Usernames cannot be changed.' ) . '</p>';
echo '</td>' . "\n";
echo ' </tr>' . "\n";
// Non-existing user? Great. Add the admin password fields.
if ( ! $user_table ) {
// Create a random password to suggest.
$initial_password = isset( $_POST['admin_password'] ) ? stripslashes( $_POST['admin_password'] ) : wp_generate_password( 18 );
// Admin password.
echo ' <tr class="form-field form-required user-pass1-wrap">' . "\n";
echo ' <th scope="row">' . "\n";
echo ' <label for="pass1">' . __( 'Admin Password' ) . '</label>' . "\n";
echo ' </th>' . "\n";
echo ' <td>' . "\n";
echo ' <div>' . "\n";
echo ' <input type="password" name="admin_password" id="pass1" class="regular-text" autocomplete="off" data-reveal="1" data-pw="' . esc_attr( $initial_password ) . '" aria-describedby="pass-strength-result" />' . "\n";
echo ' <button type="button" class="button wp-hide-pw hide-if-no-js" data-start-masked="' . (int) isset( $_POST['admin_password'] ) . '" data-toggle="0" aria-label="' . esc_attr( 'Hide password' ) . '">' . "\n";
echo ' <span class="dashicons dashicons-hidden"></span>' . "\n";
echo ' <span class="text">' . __( 'Hide' ) . '</span>' . "\n";
echo ' </button>' . "\n";
echo ' <div id="pass-strength-result" aria-live="polite"></div>' . "\n";
echo ' </div>' . "\n";
echo ' </td>' . "\n";
echo ' </tr>' . "\n";
// Repeat password.
echo ' <tr class="form-field form-required user-pass2-wrap hide-if-js">' . "\n";
echo ' <th scope="row">' . "\n";
echo ' <label for="pass2">' . __( 'Repeat Password' );
echo ' <span class="description">' . __( '(required)' ) . '</span>' . "\n";
echo ' </label>' . "\n";
echo ' </th>' . "\n";
echo ' <td>' . "\n";
echo ' <input name="admin_password2" type="password" id="pass2" autocomplete="off" />' . "\n";
echo ' </td>' . "\n";
echo ' </tr>' . "\n";
// Weak password confirmation.
echo ' <tr class="pw-weak">' . "\n";
echo ' <th scope="row">' . __( 'Confirm Password' ) . '</th>' . "\n";
echo ' <td>' . "\n";
echo ' <label>' . "\n";
echo ' <input type="checkbox" name="pw_weak" class="pw-checkbox" />' . __( 'Confirm use of weak password' );
echo ' </label>' . "\n";
echo ' </td>' . "\n";
echo ' </tr>' . "\n";
} // end ( ! $user_table )
// Admin email.
echo ' <tr>' . "\n";
echo ' <th scope="row"><label for="admin_email">' . __( 'Admin Email' ) . '</label></th>' . "\n";
echo ' <td><input name="admin_email" type="email" id="admin_email" size="25" value="' . esc_attr( $admin_email ) . '" />' . "\n";
echo ' <p class="description">' . __( 'Double-check your email address.' ) . '</p></td>' . "\n";
echo ' </tr>' . "\n";
// Search engine privacy.
echo ' <tr>' . "\n";
echo ' <th scope="row"><label for="blog_public">' . ( has_action( 'blog_privacy_selector' ) ? __( 'Site Visibility' ) : __( 'Search Engine Visibility' ) ) . '</label></th>' . "\n";
echo ' <td>' . "\n";
echo ' <fieldset>' . "\n";
echo ' <legend class="screen-reader-text"><span>' . ( has_action( 'blog_privacy_selector' ) ? __( 'Site Visibility' ) : __( 'Search Engine Visibility' ) ) . '</span></legend>' . "\n";
if ( has_action( 'blog_privacy_selector' ) ) {
echo ' <input id="blog_public" type="radio" name="blog_public" value="1" ' . checked( 1, $blog_public, false ) . ' />' . "\n";
echo ' <label for="blog_public">' . __( 'Allow search engines to index this site' ) . '</label><br/>' . "\n";
echo ' <input id="blog-norobots" type="radio" name="blog_public" value="0" ' . checked( 0, $blog_public, false ) . ' />' . "\n";
echo ' <label for="blog-norobots">' . __( 'Discourage search engines from indexing this site' ) . '</label>' . "\n";
echo ' <p class="description">' . __( 'Note: Neither of these options blocks access to your site — it is up to search engines to honor your request.' ) . '</p>' . "\n";
/** This action is documented in wp-admin/options-reading.php */
do_action( 'blog_privacy_selector' );
} else {
echo ' <input name="blog_public" type="checkbox" id="blog_public" value="0" ' . checked( 0, $blog_public, false ) . ' /> ';
echo '<label for="blog_public">' . __( 'Discourage search engines from indexing this site' ) . '</label>' . "\n";
echo ' </fieldset>' . "\n";
echo ' </td>' . "\n";
echo ' </tr>' . "\n";
// Close the table; add a submit button; add hidden lang arg; close form.
echo '</table>' . "\n";
echo '<p class="step"><input name="submit" id="submit" type="submit" value="' . htmlspecialchars( __( 'Install ClassicPress' ), ENT_QUOTES ) . '" class="button button-primary button-hero cp-button" /></p>' . "\n";
echo '<input type="hidden" name="language" value="' . ( isset( $_REQUEST['language'] ) ? esc_attr( $_REQUEST['language'] ) : '' ) . '" />' . "\n";
echo '</form>' . "\n";
Version | Description |
2.8.0 | Introduced. |