cp_get_object_relationship_ids( int $left_object_id, string $left_object_type, string $right_object_type )

Get IDs of all the recognized objects related to the known object.


Objects must be among the array produced by cp_recognized_relationship_objects().



(Required) ID of first object.


(Required) Name of type of first object.


(Required) Name of type of second object.


(array|WP_Error) $target_ids ID of each object with which the first object has a relationship.<br> WP_Error when a param of an incorrect type is specified.


File: wp-includes/object-relationships.php

function cp_get_object_relationship_ids( $left_object_id, $left_object_type, $right_object_type ) {

	// Error if $left_object_id is not a positive integer
	if ( filter_var( $left_object_id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ) === false ) {

		$item = 'string';
		if ( $left_object_id === 0 ) {
			$item = 0;
		} elseif ( is_object( $left_object_id ) ) {
			$item = 'object';
		} elseif ( is_array( $left_object_id ) ) {
			$item = 'array';

		/* translators: %s: String, 0, object, or array. */
		$message = sprintf( __( 'cp_add_object_relationship() expects parameter 1 to a positive integer; %s given.' ), $item );

		return new WP_Error( 'left_object_id', $message );

	// Get array, and create list, of recognized relationship objects.
	$recognized_relationship_objects = cp_recognized_relationship_objects();
	$object_list = implode( ', ', $recognized_relationship_objects );

	// Error if $left_object_type is not a non-null string of an appropriate value.
	if ( ! in_array( $left_object_type, $recognized_relationship_objects ) ) {

		$item = $left_object_type;
		if ( is_int( $left_object_type ) ) {
			$item = 'integer';
		} elseif ( is_object( $left_object_type ) ) {
			$item = 'object';
		} elseif ( is_array( $left_object_type ) ) {
			$item = 'array';

		/* translators: 1: List of recognized relationship objects, 2: Integer, object, or array. */
		$message = sprintf( __( 'cp_add_object_relationship() expects parameter 2 to be one of %s; %s given.' ), $object_list, $item );

		return new WP_Error( 'left_object_type', $message );

	// Error if $right_object_type is not a non-null string of an appropriate value
	if ( ! in_array( $right_object_type, $recognized_relationship_objects ) ) {

		$item = $right_object_type;
		if ( is_int( $right_object_type ) ) {
			$item = 'integer';
		} elseif ( is_object( $right_object_type ) ) {
			$item = 'object';
		} elseif ( is_array( $right_object_type ) ) {
			$item = 'array';

		/* translators: 1: List of recognized relationship objects, 2: Integer, object, or array. */
		$message = sprintf( __( 'cp_add_object_relationship() expects parameter 3 to be one of %s; %s given.' ), $object_list, $item );

		return new WP_Error( 'left_object_type', $message );

	// Good to go, so query database table.
	global $wpdb;
	$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'object_relationships';

	// Query database table from left to right.
	$sql1 = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT right_object_id FROM $table_name WHERE left_object_id = %d AND left_object_type = %s AND right_object_type = %s", $left_object_id, $left_object_type, $right_object_type );

	// Query database table from right to left.
	$sql2 = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT left_object_id FROM $table_name WHERE right_object_id = %d AND right_object_type = %s AND left_object_type = %s", $left_object_id, $left_object_type, $right_object_type );

	// Results are in the form of two objects.
	$rows1 = $wpdb->get_results( $sql1 );
	$rows2 = $wpdb->get_results( $sql2 );

	// Create array of target object IDs, starting with an empty array.
	$target_ids = array();
	if ( ! empty( $rows1 ) ) {
		foreach ( $rows1 as $row ) {
			$target_ids[] = (int) $row->right_object_id; // cast each one as an integer

	if ( ! empty( $rows2 ) ) {
		foreach ( $rows2 as $row ) {
			$target_ids[] = (int) $row->left_object_id; // cast each one as an integer

	// Return the array of integers or an empty array.
	return $target_ids;


Version Description
CP-2.2.0 Introduced. CP-2.2.0