This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.

_deprecated_constructor( string $class, string $version, string $parent_class = '' )

Marks a constructor as deprecated and informs when it has been used.


Similar to _deprecated_function(), but with different strings. Used to remove PHP4 style constructors.

The current behavior is to trigger a user error if WP_DEBUG is true.

This function is to be used in every PHP4 style constructor method that is deprecated.



(Required) The class containing the deprecated constructor.


(Required) The version of ClassicPress or WordPress that deprecated the function.


(Optional) The parent class calling the deprecated constructor.

Default value: ''


File: wp-includes/functions.php

function _deprecated_constructor( $class, $version, $parent_class = '' ) {

	 * Fires when a deprecated constructor is called.
	 * @since WP-4.3.0
	 * @since WP-4.5.0 Added the `$parent_class` parameter.
	 * @param string $class        The class containing the deprecated constructor.
	 * @param string $version      The version of ClassicPress or WordPress that deprecated the function.
	 * @param string $parent_class The parent class calling the deprecated constructor.
	do_action( 'deprecated_constructor_run', $class, $version, $parent_class );

	 * Filters whether to trigger an error for deprecated functions.
	 * `WP_DEBUG` must be true in addition to the filter evaluating to true.
	 * @since WP-4.3.0
	 * @param bool $trigger Whether to trigger the error for deprecated functions. Default true.
	if ( WP_DEBUG && apply_filters( 'deprecated_constructor_trigger_error', true ) ) {
		if ( function_exists( '__' ) ) {
			if ( ! empty( $parent_class ) ) {
				/* translators: 1: PHP class name, 2: PHP parent class name, 3: version number, 4: __construct() method */
				trigger_error( sprintf( __( 'The called constructor method for %1$s in %2$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %3$s! Use %4$s instead.' ),
					$class, $parent_class, $version, '<pre>__construct()</pre>' ) );
			} else {
				/* translators: 1: PHP class name, 2: version number, 3: __construct() method */
				trigger_error( sprintf( __( 'The called constructor method for %1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead.' ),
					$class, $version, '<pre>__construct()</pre>' ) );
		} else {
			if ( ! empty( $parent_class ) ) {
				trigger_error( sprintf( 'The called constructor method for %1$s in %2$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %3$s! Use %4$s instead.',
					$class, $parent_class, $version, '<pre>__construct()</pre>' ) );
			} else {
				trigger_error( sprintf( 'The called constructor method for %1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead.',
					$class, $version, '<pre>__construct()</pre>' ) );



Version Description
WP-4.5.0 Added the $parent_class parameter.
WP-4.3.0 Introduced.