Method: Determines whether we are dealing with an error that WordPress should handle in order to protect the admin backend against WSODs.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php:98
Method: Determines whether we are dealing with an error that WordPress should handle in order to protect the admin backend against WSODs.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php:98
Filter Hook: Filters whether a given thrown error should be handled by the fatal error handler.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php:123
Method: Displays the PHP error template and sends the HTTP status code, typically 500.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php:142
Method: Displays the default PHP error template.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php:172
Filter Hook: Filters the message that the default PHP error template displays.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php:218
Filter Hook: Filters the arguments passed to {@see wp_die()} for the default PHP error template.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php:229
Class: Core class used as the default shutdown handler for fatal errors.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php:20
Method: Runs the shutdown handler.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php:29
Method: Detects the error causing the crash if it should be handled.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php:73