Function: Retrieves a post tag by tag ID or tag object.
Source: wp-includes/category.php:339
Function: Retrieves a post tag by tag ID or tag object.
Source: wp-includes/category.php:339
Function: Removes the category cache data based on ID.
Source: wp-includes/category.php:352
Function: Updates category structure to old pre-2.3 from new taxonomy structure.
Source: wp-includes/category.php:376
Function: Sanitizes category data based on context.
Source: wp-includes/category.php:259
Function: Sanitizes data in single category key field.
Source: wp-includes/category.php:274
Function: Retrieves all post tags.
Source: wp-includes/category.php:293
Filter Hook: Filters the array of term objects returned for the ‘post_tag’ taxonomy.
Source: wp-includes/category.php:311
Function: Retrieves a list of category objects.
Source: wp-includes/category.php:26
Filter Hook: Filters the taxonomy used to retrieve terms when calling get_categories().
Source: wp-includes/category.php:38
Function: Retrieves category data given a category ID or category object.
Source: wp-includes/category.php:91