Requests::set_defaults( string $url, array $headers, array|null $data, string $type, array $options )

Set the default values


The $options parameter is updated with the results.



(Required) URL to request


(Required) Extra headers to send with the request


(Required) Data to send either as a query string for GET/HEAD requests, or in the body for POST requests


(Required) HTTP request type


(Required) Options for the request




File: wp-includes/Requests/src/Requests.php

	protected static function set_defaults(&$url, &$headers, &$data, &$type, &$options) {
		if (!preg_match('/^http(s)?:\/\//i', $url, $matches)) {
			throw new Exception('Only HTTP(S) requests are handled.', 'nonhttp', $url);

		if (empty($options['hooks'])) {
			$options['hooks'] = new Hooks();

		if (is_array($options['auth'])) {
			$options['auth'] = new Basic($options['auth']);

		if ($options['auth'] !== false) {

		if (is_string($options['proxy']) || is_array($options['proxy'])) {
			$options['proxy'] = new Http($options['proxy']);

		if ($options['proxy'] !== false) {

		if (is_array($options['cookies'])) {
			$options['cookies'] = new Jar($options['cookies']);
		} elseif (empty($options['cookies'])) {
			$options['cookies'] = new Jar();

		if ($options['cookies'] !== false) {

		if ($options['idn'] !== false) {
			$iri       = new Iri($url);
			$iri->host = IdnaEncoder::encode($iri->ihost);
			$url       = $iri->uri;

		// Massage the type to ensure we support it.
		$type = strtoupper($type);

		if (!isset($options['data_format'])) {
			if (in_array($type, [self::HEAD, self::GET, self::DELETE], true)) {
				$options['data_format'] = 'query';
			} else {
				$options['data_format'] = 'body';