WP_Text_Diff_Renderer_Table::_changed( array $orig, array $final )
Process changed lines to do word-by-word diffs for extra highlighting.
(TRAC style) sometimes these lines can actually be deleted or added rows.
We do additional processing to figure that out
- $orig
- $final
File: wp-includes/class-wp-text-diff-renderer-table.php
public function _changed( $orig, $final ) {
$r = '';
// Does the aforementioned additional processing
// *_matches tell what rows are "the same" in orig and final. Those pairs will be diffed to get word changes
// match is numeric: an index in other column
// match is 'X': no match. It is a new row
// *_rows are column vectors for the orig column and the final column.
// row >= 0: an indix of the $orig or $final array
// row < 0: a blank row for that column
list($orig_matches, $final_matches, $orig_rows, $final_rows) = $this->interleave_changed_lines( $orig, $final );
// These will hold the word changes as determined by an inline diff
$orig_diffs = array();
$final_diffs = array();
// Compute word diffs for each matched pair using the inline diff
foreach ( $orig_matches as $o => $f ) {
if ( is_numeric($o) && is_numeric($f) ) {
$text_diff = new Text_Diff( 'auto', array( array($orig[$o]), array($final[$f]) ) );
$renderer = new $this->inline_diff_renderer;
$diff = $renderer->render( $text_diff );
// If they're too different, don't include any <ins> or <dels>
if ( preg_match_all( '!(<ins>.*?</ins>|<del>.*?</del>)!', $diff, $diff_matches ) ) {
// length of all text between <ins> or <del>
$stripped_matches = strlen(strip_tags( join(' ', $diff_matches[0]) ));
// since we count lengith of text between <ins> or <del> (instead of picking just one),
// we double the length of chars not in those tags.
$stripped_diff = strlen(strip_tags( $diff )) * 2 - $stripped_matches;
$diff_ratio = $stripped_matches / $stripped_diff;
if ( $diff_ratio > $this->_diff_threshold )
continue; // Too different. Don't save diffs.
// Un-inline the diffs by removing del or ins
$orig_diffs[$o] = preg_replace( '|<ins>.*?</ins>|', '', $diff );
$final_diffs[$f] = preg_replace( '|<del>.*?</del>|', '', $diff );
foreach ( array_keys($orig_rows) as $row ) {
// Both columns have blanks. Ignore them.
if ( $orig_rows[$row] < 0 && $final_rows[$row] < 0 )
// If we have a word based diff, use it. Otherwise, use the normal line.
if ( isset( $orig_diffs[$orig_rows[$row]] ) )
$orig_line = $orig_diffs[$orig_rows[$row]];
elseif ( isset( $orig[$orig_rows[$row]] ) )
$orig_line = htmlspecialchars($orig[$orig_rows[$row]]);
$orig_line = '';
if ( isset( $final_diffs[$final_rows[$row]] ) )
$final_line = $final_diffs[$final_rows[$row]];
elseif ( isset( $final[$final_rows[$row]] ) )
$final_line = htmlspecialchars($final[$final_rows[$row]]);
$final_line = '';
if ( $orig_rows[$row] < 0 ) { // Orig is blank. This is really an added row.
$r .= $this->_added( array($final_line), false );
} elseif ( $final_rows[$row] < 0 ) { // Final is blank. This is really a deleted row.
$r .= $this->_deleted( array($orig_line), false );
} else { // A true changed row.
if ( $this->_show_split_view ) {
$r .= '<tr>' . $this->deletedLine( $orig_line ) . $this->emptyLine() . $this->addedLine( $final_line ) . "</tr>\n";
} else {
$r .= '<tr>' . $this->deletedLine( $orig_line ) . "</tr><tr>" . $this->addedLine( $final_line ) . "</tr>\n";
return $r;
Version | Description |
2.6.0 | Introduced. |