This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.


Gets page cache details.


(WP_Error|array) Page cache detail or else a WP_Error if unable to determine.<br>

  • 'status'
    (string) Page cache status. Good, Recommended or Critical.<br>
  • 'advanced_cache_present'
    (bool) Whether page cache plugin is available or not.<br>
  • 'headers'
    (string[]) Client caching response headers detected.<br>
  • 'response_time'
    (float) Response time of site.<br>


File: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php

	private function get_page_cache_detail() {
		$page_cache_detail = $this->check_for_page_caching();
		if ( is_wp_error( $page_cache_detail ) ) {
			return $page_cache_detail;

		// Use the median server response time.
		$response_timings = $page_cache_detail['response_timing'];
		rsort( $response_timings );
		$page_speed = $response_timings[ floor( count( $response_timings ) / 2 ) ];

		// Obtain unique set of all client caching response headers.
		$headers = array();
		foreach ( $page_cache_detail['page_caching_response_headers'] as $page_caching_response_headers ) {
			$headers = array_merge( $headers, array_keys( $page_caching_response_headers ) );
		$headers = array_unique( $headers );

		// Page cache is detected if there are response headers or a page cache plugin is present.
		$has_page_caching = ( count( $headers ) > 0 || $page_cache_detail['advanced_cache_present'] );

		if ( $page_speed && $page_speed < $this->get_good_response_time_threshold() ) {
			$result = $has_page_caching ? 'good' : 'recommended';
		} else {
			$result = 'critical';

		return array(
			'status'                 => $result,
			'advanced_cache_present' => $page_cache_detail['advanced_cache_present'],
			'headers'                => $headers,
			'response_time'          => $page_speed,


Version Description
6.1.0 Introduced.