

File: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php

	public function prepare_items() {
		global $status, $totals, $page, $orderby, $order, $s;

		wp_reset_vars( array( 'orderby', 'order', 's' ) );

		$themes = array(
			 * Filters the full array of WP_Theme objects to list in the Multisite
			 * themes list table.
			 * @since WP-3.1.0
			 * @param array $all An array of WP_Theme objects to display in the list table.
			'all' => apply_filters( 'all_themes', wp_get_themes() ),
			'search' => array(),
			'enabled' => array(),
			'disabled' => array(),
			'upgrade' => array(),
			'broken' => $this->is_site_themes ? array() : wp_get_themes( array( 'errors' => true ) ),

		if ( $this->is_site_themes ) {
			$themes_per_page = $this->get_items_per_page( 'site_themes_network_per_page' );
			$allowed_where = 'site';
		} else {
			$themes_per_page = $this->get_items_per_page( 'themes_network_per_page' );
			$allowed_where = 'network';

		$maybe_update = current_user_can( 'update_themes' ) && ! $this->is_site_themes && $current = get_site_transient( 'update_themes' );

		foreach ( (array) $themes['all'] as $key => $theme ) {
			if ( $this->is_site_themes && $theme->is_allowed( 'network' ) ) {
				unset( $themes['all'][ $key ] );

			if ( $maybe_update && isset( $current->response[ $key ] ) ) {
				$themes['all'][ $key ]->update = true;
				$themes['upgrade'][ $key ] = $themes['all'][ $key ];

			$filter = $theme->is_allowed( $allowed_where, $this->site_id ) ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';
			$themes[ $filter ][ $key ] = $themes['all'][ $key ];

		if ( $s ) {
			$status = 'search';
			$themes['search'] = array_filter( array_merge( $themes['all'], $themes['broken'] ), array( $this, '_search_callback' ) );

		$totals = array();
		foreach ( $themes as $type => $list )
			$totals[ $type ] = count( $list );

		if ( empty( $themes[ $status ] ) && !in_array( $status, array( 'all', 'search' ) ) )
			$status = 'all';

		$this->items = $themes[ $status ];
		WP_Theme::sort_by_name( $this->items );

		$this->has_items = ! empty( $themes['all'] );
		$total_this_page = $totals[ $status ];

		wp_localize_script( 'updates', '_wpUpdatesItemCounts', array(
			'themes' => $totals,
			'totals' => wp_get_update_data(),
		) );

		if ( $orderby ) {
			$orderby = ucfirst( $orderby );
			$order = strtoupper( $order );

			if ( $orderby === 'Name' ) {
				if ( 'ASC' === $order ) {
					$this->items = array_reverse( $this->items );
			} else {
				uasort( $this->items, array( $this, '_order_callback' ) );

		$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $themes_per_page;

		if ( $total_this_page > $themes_per_page )
			$this->items = array_slice( $this->items, $start, $themes_per_page, true );

		$this->set_pagination_args( array(
			'total_items' => $total_this_page,
			'per_page' => $themes_per_page,
		) );