WP_Customize_Widgets::call_widget_update( string $widget_id )
Finds and invokes the widget update and control callbacks.
Requires that $_POST
be populated with the instance data.
- $widget_id
(Required) Widget ID.
(array|WP_Error) Array containing the updated widget information.<br> A WP_Error object, otherwise.
File: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php
public function call_widget_update( $widget_id ) {
global $wp_registered_widget_updates, $wp_registered_widget_controls;
$setting_id = $this->get_setting_id( $widget_id );
* Make sure that other setting changes have previewed since this widget
* may depend on them (e.g. Menus being present for Navigation Menu widget).
if ( ! did_action( 'customize_preview_init' ) ) {
foreach ( $this->manager->settings() as $setting ) {
if ( $setting->id !== $setting_id ) {
$parsed_id = $this->parse_widget_id( $widget_id );
$option_name = 'widget_' . $parsed_id['id_base'];
* If a previously-sanitized instance is provided, populate the input vars
* with its values so that the widget update callback will read this instance
$added_input_vars = array();
if ( ! empty( $_POST['sanitized_widget_setting'] ) ) {
$sanitized_widget_setting = json_decode( $this->get_post_value( 'sanitized_widget_setting' ), true );
if ( false === $sanitized_widget_setting ) {
return new WP_Error( 'widget_setting_malformed' );
$instance = $this->sanitize_widget_instance( $sanitized_widget_setting );
if ( is_null( $instance ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'widget_setting_unsanitized' );
if ( ! is_null( $parsed_id['number'] ) ) {
$value = array();
$value[$parsed_id['number']] = $instance;
$key = 'widget-' . $parsed_id['id_base'];
$_REQUEST[$key] = $_POST[$key] = wp_slash( $value );
$added_input_vars[] = $key;
} else {
foreach ( $instance as $key => $value ) {
$_REQUEST[$key] = $_POST[$key] = wp_slash( $value );
$added_input_vars[] = $key;
// Invoke the widget update callback.
foreach ( (array) $wp_registered_widget_updates as $name => $control ) {
if ( $name === $parsed_id['id_base'] && is_callable( $control['callback'] ) ) {
call_user_func_array( $control['callback'], $control['params'] );
// Clean up any input vars that were manually added
foreach ( $added_input_vars as $key ) {
unset( $_POST[ $key ] );
unset( $_REQUEST[ $key ] );
// Make sure the expected option was updated.
if ( 0 !== $this->count_captured_options() ) {
if ( $this->count_captured_options() > 1 ) {
return new WP_Error( 'widget_setting_too_many_options' );
$updated_option_name = key( $this->get_captured_options() );
if ( $updated_option_name !== $option_name ) {
return new WP_Error( 'widget_setting_unexpected_option' );
// Obtain the widget instance.
$option = $this->get_captured_option( $option_name );
if ( null !== $parsed_id['number'] ) {
$instance = $option[ $parsed_id['number'] ];
} else {
$instance = $option;
* Override the incoming $_POST['customized'] for a newly-created widget's
* setting with the new $instance so that the preview filter currently
* in place from WP_Customize_Setting::preview() will use this value
* instead of the default widget instance value (an empty array).
$this->manager->set_post_value( $setting_id, $this->sanitize_widget_js_instance( $instance ) );
// Obtain the widget control with the updated instance in place.
$form = $wp_registered_widget_controls[ $widget_id ];
if ( $form ) {
call_user_func_array( $form['callback'], $form['params'] );
$form = ob_get_clean();
return compact( 'instance', 'form' );
Version | Description |
3.9.0 | Introduced. |