Walker_Category_Checklist::start_el( string $output, object $category, int $depth, array $args = array(), int $id )

Start the element output.


See also



(Required) Used to append additional content (passed by reference).


(Required) The current term object.


(Required) Depth of the term in reference to parents. Default 0.


(Optional) An array of arguments. @see wp_terms_checklist()

Default value: array()


(Required) ID of the current term.


File: wp-admin/includes/class-walker-category-checklist.php

	public function start_el( &$output, $category, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0 ) {
		if ( empty( $args['taxonomy'] ) ) {
			$taxonomy = 'category';
		} else {
			$taxonomy = $args['taxonomy'];

		if ( $taxonomy == 'category' ) {
			$name = 'post_category';
		} else {
			$name = 'tax_input[' . $taxonomy . ']';

		$args['popular_cats'] = empty( $args['popular_cats'] ) ? array() : $args['popular_cats'];
		$class = in_array( $category->term_id, $args['popular_cats'] ) ? ' class="popular-category"' : '';

		$args['selected_cats'] = empty( $args['selected_cats'] ) ? array() : $args['selected_cats'];

		if ( ! empty( $args['list_only'] ) ) {
			$aria_checked = 'false';
			$inner_class = 'category';

			if ( in_array( $category->term_id, $args['selected_cats'] ) ) {
				$inner_class .= ' selected';
				$aria_checked = 'true';

			/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/category-template.php */
			$output .= "\n" . '<li' . $class . '>' .
				'<div class="' . $inner_class . '" data-term-id=' . $category->term_id .
				' tabindex="0" role="checkbox" aria-checked="' . $aria_checked . '">' .
				esc_html( apply_filters( 'the_category', $category->name, '', '' ) ) . '</div>';
		} else {
			/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/category-template.php */
			$output .= "\n<li id='{$taxonomy}-{$category->term_id}'$class>" .
				'<label class="selectit"><input value="' . $category->term_id . '" type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'[]" id="in-'.$taxonomy.'-' . $category->term_id . '"' .
				checked( in_array( $category->term_id, $args['selected_cats'] ), true, false ) .
				disabled( empty( $args['disabled'] ), false, false ) . ' /> ' .
				esc_html( apply_filters( 'the_category', $category->name, '', '' ) ) . '</label>';


Version Description
WP-2.5.1 Introduced.