Requests_IRI::replace_invalid_with_pct_encoding( string $string, string $extra_chars, bool $iprivate = false )
Replace invalid character with percent encoding
- $string
(Required) Input string
- $extra_chars
(Required) Valid characters not in iunreserved or iprivate (this is ASCII-only)
- $iprivate
(Optional) Allow iprivate
Default value: false
File: wp-includes/Requests/IRI.php
protected function replace_invalid_with_pct_encoding($string, $extra_chars, $iprivate = false) {
// Normalize as many pct-encoded sections as possible
$string = preg_replace_callback('/(?:%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})+/', array(&$this, 'remove_iunreserved_percent_encoded'), $string);
// Replace invalid percent characters
$string = preg_replace('/%(?![A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/', '%25', $string);
// Add unreserved and % to $extra_chars (the latter is safe because all
// pct-encoded sections are now valid).
$extra_chars .= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~%';
// Now replace any bytes that aren't allowed with their pct-encoded versions
$position = 0;
$strlen = strlen($string);
while (($position += strspn($string, $extra_chars, $position)) < $strlen) {
$value = ord($string[$position]);
// Start position
$start = $position;
// By default we are valid
$valid = true;
// No one byte sequences are valid due to the while.
// Two byte sequence:
if (($value & 0xE0) === 0xC0) {
$character = ($value & 0x1F) << 6;
$length = 2;
$remaining = 1;
// Three byte sequence:
elseif (($value & 0xF0) === 0xE0) {
$character = ($value & 0x0F) << 12;
$length = 3;
$remaining = 2;
// Four byte sequence:
elseif (($value & 0xF8) === 0xF0) {
$character = ($value & 0x07) << 18;
$length = 4;
$remaining = 3;
// Invalid byte:
else {
$valid = false;
$length = 1;
$remaining = 0;
if ($remaining) {
if ($position + $length <= $strlen) {
for ($position++; $remaining; $position++) {
$value = ord($string[$position]);
// Check that the byte is valid, then add it to the character:
if (($value & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
$character |= ($value & 0x3F) << (--$remaining * 6);
// If it is invalid, count the sequence as invalid and reprocess the current byte:
else {
$valid = false;
else {
$position = $strlen - 1;
$valid = false;
// Percent encode anything invalid or not in ucschar
if (
// Invalid sequences
// Non-shortest form sequences are invalid
|| $length > 1 && $character <= 0x7F
|| $length > 2 && $character <= 0x7FF
|| $length > 3 && $character <= 0xFFFF
// Outside of range of ucschar codepoints
// Noncharacters
|| ($character & 0xFFFE) === 0xFFFE
|| $character >= 0xFDD0 && $character <= 0xFDEF
|| (
// Everything else not in ucschar
$character > 0xD7FF && $character < 0xF900
|| $character < 0xA0
|| $character > 0xEFFFD
&& (
// Everything not in iprivate, if it applies
|| $character < 0xE000
|| $character > 0x10FFFD
) {
// If we were a character, pretend we weren't, but rather an error.
if ($valid) {
for ($j = $start; $j <= $position; $j++) {
$string = substr_replace($string, sprintf('%%%02X', ord($string[$j])), $j, 1);
$j += 2;
$position += 2;
$strlen += 2;
return $string;