
Class: Helper class to remove the need to use eval to replace $matches[] in query strings.

Source: wp-includes/class-wp-matchesmapregex.php:15

Used by 0 functions | Uses 0 functions


Class: Core class used to implement displaying sites in a list table for the network admin.

Source: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:17

Used by 0 functions | Uses 1 function


Class: Core class used to implement displaying users in a list table for the network admin.

Source: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:17

Used by 0 functions | Uses 1 function


Class: Core class used for interacting with a multisite network.

Source: wp-includes/class-wp-network.php:25

Used by 0 functions | Uses 0 functions