
The default implementation of the environment factory interface.


File: vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Environment/DotenvFactory.php

class DotenvFactory implements FactoryInterface
     * The set of adapters to use.
     * @var \Dotenv\Environment\Adapter\AdapterInterface[]
    protected $adapters;

     * Create a new dotenv environment factory instance.
     * If no adapters are provided, then the defaults will be used.
     * @param \Dotenv\Environment\Adapter\AdapterInterface[]|null $adapters
     * @return void
    public function __construct(array $adapters = null)
        $this->adapters = array_filter($adapters === null ? [new ApacheAdapter(), new EnvConstAdapter(), new ServerConstAdapter(), new PutenvAdapter()] : $adapters, function (AdapterInterface $adapter) {
            return $adapter->isSupported();

     * Creates a new mutable environment variables instance.
     * @return \Dotenv\Environment\VariablesInterface
    public function create()
        return new DotenvVariables($this->adapters, false);

     * Creates a new immutable environment variables instance.
     * @return \Dotenv\Environment\VariablesInterface
    public function createImmutable()
        return new DotenvVariables($this->adapters, true);


  • __construct — Create a new dotenv environment factory instance.
  • create — Creates a new mutable environment variables instance.
  • createImmutable — Creates a new immutable environment variables instance.