Core_Upgrader::parse_version_string( string $version )

Parses a version string into an array of parts with named keys.


For valid version strings, returns an array with keys (major, minor, patch, prerelease, and nightly). The first three are always present and always an integer, and the rest are always present but may be false.

If the version string is not of a format recognized by the automatic update system, then this function returns null.



(Required) The version string.


(array|null) An array of version parts, or null.


File: wp-admin/includes/class-core-upgrader.php

	public static function parse_version_string( $version ) {
		$ok = preg_match(
			// Start of version string.
			'#^' .
			// First 3 parts must be numbers.
			'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<patch>\d+)' .
			// Optional pre-release version (-alpha1, -beta2, -rc1).
			'(-(?P<prerelease>[[:alnum:]]+))?' .
			// Optional migration or nightly build (+nightly.20190208 or
			// +migration.20181220).  Migration builds are treated the same as
			// the corresponding release build.
			'(\+(?P<build_type>migration|nightly)\.(?P<build_number>\d{8}))?' .
			// End of version string.

		if ( ! $ok ) {
			return null;

		if ( empty( $matches['prerelease'] ) ) {
			$matches['prerelease'] = false;

		if ( isset( $matches['build_type'] ) && $matches['build_type'] === 'nightly' ) {
			$nightly_build = $matches['build_number'];
		} else {
			$nightly_build = false;

		return [
			'major'      => intval( $matches['major'] ),
			'minor'      => intval( $matches['minor'] ),
			'patch'      => intval( $matches['patch'] ),
			'prerelease' => $matches['prerelease'],
			'nightly'    => $nightly_build,